Friday, May 29, 2009

Flashback Friday

This is a picture-less Flashback Friday. Instead, it is a story-time Flashback Friday! YAY!

Last night I came upstairs to find six or seven of those annoying miller moths circling the light above the kitchen sink. It reminded me of a summer when they were REALLY bad. We would get at least 10 in the house every night. We would usually put out a bowl of soapy water and leave them alone. Well, this one year, Neal would grab the moths out of the air one by one and toss them in the water. It was hilarious! We called it "Moth Soup". Many moths lost their lives to the "Moth Ninja". I wish I had a video of it! Maybe next summer....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Cutie Patooties

Some adorable pictures I took of my nieces and nephew today:

Friday, May 22, 2009

Remembering the Tornado

I wasn't a direct witness of the Windsor tornado, which happened one year ago today. I did, however, see some crazy weather. I talked about it in this blog:

I wrote that in the afternoon, before we found out how bad it had been in Windsor!

I also saw some of the destruction a day or so later when I went to Greeley. I never have been in Windsor since that day, come to think of it. Weird.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

There's just something theraputic....

...about being outside. Yay for nice weather!!

I spent about 6 hours sitting outside yesterday at a garage sale. I wasn't in the sun much, just hanging out in the shade. Later in the day, I spent about half an hour or so out on my back deck reading. I was in the sun then. Today, I sat outside after church while waiting for my sister to get out of her meeting. Then we had a family party this evening, and we were out in the back yard for a couple of hours. I haven't felt this good in a long time! Fresh air is something else! Wow!

I seriously think I spent the entire Spring and Summer last year inside. That's what happens when you do several shows right in a row. (Work to rehearsal to home...then the show opens, and it's work to performance to home on the weekends!!) There really is something to be said for getting outside once in awhile. ESPECIALLY for someone like me, with a desk job and indoor hobbies!

Again I say....yay for nice weather!!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Flashback Friday

This picture was taken 1 year ago tonight, at our final dress rehearsal for Fiddler on the Roof at the Union Colony Dinner Theatre. What followed was an amazing 10 week run that is probably the best theatrical experience I've had thus far. Playing Tzeital was a dream come true!

Aw, what the heck, here's some more pictures:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The "Why are you making this my problem?" Rant

I apologize in advance. I'm going to use some terms related to my job and I'm not going to explain them. Suffice it to say, I am the bookkeeper for the 15 Homeowners Associations that my company manages.

Dear Ms. Homeowner,

Yes, you were turned over for collection. You owe 5 months worth of HOA dues. I understand that you travel a lot and don't get your mail in a timely manner. However, you were sent 5 monthly dues statements, 2 past due notices, and 1 final notice letter. The time between the final notice and the date the account was turned over for collection was 14 days. I find it very interesting that you "didn't receive" any of those, but the day the collection letter from the attorney arrives, you call me immediately. And then you turn it around to say that we should have called you and left a message letting you know you owed the dues. How is it that you didn't know you owed the money when you got EIGHT FREAKING NOTICES in the mail?! No, I'm not going to call you. I have a total of 1400 homeowners I'm dealing with, most of whom pay their dues on time. I'm not going to track down your phone number (which I didn't have until you gave it to me today) to babysit you. You are an adult. Take responsibility for your lack of response to the 8 total notifcations that you owe HOA dues and don't turn this around on me. I have enough to worry about. Just pay your freaking dues.


Angry HOA Bookkeeper


You don't know how much I wish I could say this to people's faces...or you know, say it through the phone. But in this economy, I'm better off having a job.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Perfect Answer

Don't you hate it when you're shopping at stores that offer their own store credit cards? If I have their card, it's no biggie. But if I don't...I get so annoyed when they pester me about signing up for their card.

"Would you like to sign up for our credit card today?"
"No, thanks."
"Really? Because you can get 10% off today and 15% off your next purchase."
"No, I'll pass, thanks."
"Well, it's a really nice thing to have and the interest rate is low. Don't you want to save 10% today?"

Well, today I had the perfect answer. She asked me if I wanted to sign up for the credit card, and I replied:

"I had to cut myself off on getting any new store credit cards, so no thanks."
"Oh, well, I totally understand that. Okay!"

I thought, wow! I should have used that answer a long time ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Update on "Ode to a Sandwich"

Dear Safeway Deli Roast Beef & Cheddar on White Bread Sandwich,

We had such a fleeting relationship. Today your bread was a little drier. That wouldn't be enough for me to bid you farewell, however. It was the parts near the crust what were dyed pink. I'm hoping that the roast beef was just a little wet when they put it on the bread, but I'm not entirely sure. So I pulled those pieces off. Alas, the real deal breaker was the dead fruit fly I found on the lettuce. I could probably use the protein, and I did just watch contestants on The Amazing Race eat bugs last Saturday...but they were deep fried.

So, sandwich...I probably won't be giving you a 3rd chance. Sorry, but it has to be this way.

And no, I'm not saying that I would eat bugs if they were deep fried. I would never intentionally eat bugs. EVER!!!


Monday, May 4, 2009

Another New Addition to the Blog

I was asked last night if I have a website where I advertize when and where I'm performing. I don't have one, and I create events on Facebook, but I decided to put something on my blog. So, if you look over to the right, just under the Archive and above the Quote Goat, you will find my Performance Calendar! I might find a better way to display it later on, but for now it works! Enjoy!