Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ever wonder...

Ever wonder what would happen if you randomly ran into one of your favorite actors on the street?  It's unexpected.  You didn't plan ahead what you would say to them if this happened, because you had no idea this was going to happen.  What would you say?  I'm pretty sure that I'd say "Gah...uh...duhhhh...ummm.....Hi."

Given time to prepare a proper speech, I'm sure I could say something like "I'm a big fan of your work.  I especially enjoyed you in ______________ ."

Taken by surprise?  I'm sure there would be silence.  Followed by passing out.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Pasty, Dark-Haired Brits = ♥

I've found my type.  If you are British, pale, and dark-haired...I think you're adorable.  If you're single, Mormon, and close to 30, I'll marry you.

You must look like:

Richard Armitage
Ryan Cartwright

I've been a little obsessed with these two actors as of late.  Just a little.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Funny Phone Conversation

I was just taking a reservation at work and I was getting the patron's information.  She spelled out her first name for me and then this conversation followed:

Me: And what's your last name?
Her:  My last name is "E-M-M"
Me:  *pauses*  Ummm...how do you spell that?
Her:  It's spelled E-M-M
Me:  Oh!!  I heard V-M-M, and I was so confused.  I knew I needed a vowel!
Her:  *Laughs* I'd like to buy a vowel!!

Okay, so maybe it was funnier as it happened.  But I did get a good laugh out of it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday Funnies

Angela:  So why exactly is the world going to end on Saturday?
Pat:  Because we're doing a double that day.

(We have 2 shows on Saturday...the same day as graduation.  So we're short staffed.  The world just may end!)


I was listening to the radio and they were giving away a trip for 2 to Florida to see a Taylor Swift concert.  They said who the winner was and then they called her.  The phone didn't ring, but played music before she answered.  What music played?  "Dancing Through Life" from Wicked.  I LOLed at that one.


I was at the movie theater to buy our tickets for Pirates 4.  After I got the tickets, I stepped to the side to get everything situated back in my purse before going outside.  (It was pouring rain.)  The people after me were a married couple...and they were asking about movie times like they were going to be going to 2 separate movies.  It was the funniest thing!  "Hey, honey!  Let's go on a date, but let's not go to the same movie!"

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Best Worst Week Ever! (Or Worst Best Week Ever?)

This really has been a good bad week.  More accurately, a bad good week.

I woke up last Saturday morning with a headache.  I took some Tylenol and muscled through.  I needed to get my laundry done.  Well, I managed to get my laundry done, but I also ended up sleeping most of the day...and throwing up 3 times.  By the end of the day, I could barely get out of bed.  And then something weird happened.  My stomach felt okay, but my tongue started hurting.  I had canker sores on my tongue!!!

I missed my voice recital but that was all I missed for Saturday.  Sunday, my tongue was worse.  I stayed home from church, but I had call backs for "The Sound of Music", so I had to get out of the house.  I wasn't feeling sick to my stomach anymore, but I could hardly talk...and my joints hurts.  I had no energy, because I'd hardly eaten anything!  I made it through call backs, thankfully, but now it was Wedding Week, and we had a ton going on!

The rest of the week was crazy.  I finally went to the doctor on Monday afternoon.  It's fun playing "Stump the Doctor".  The only thing she could figure was that it was cold sores.  She gave me an anti-viral drug and some lidocane that I spread on the sores with a Q-tip to numb the pain.  It's super hard to eat, so I've been eating mostly hot cereal (Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat...) and milk shakes.  I've gotten solid food a couple of times, but it just hurts so dang much to eat it!!

I've had to work through all of this, so talking on the phone at the theater has been painful!  I also haven't done my "Annie Warbucks" audition yet.  I'm thinking I won't audition.  The director said I can come to call backs, but I don't know.  I'll decide tomorrow.

Oh, and to top it all off...at some time during the week (after Monday, I'm sure), I burst a blood vessel in my left eye.  It's called a subconjunctal hemorrhage.  It's not really bad, mostly hidden by my eyelid, but it just meant that I couldn't wear my contacts yesterday.  That was annoying during pictures after the wedding.  I kept having to take my glasses off.

The wedding was beautiful!  We had a great day!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Where were you....

...when you heard about 9/11? (9/11/01)

Just got out of the shower and turned on the TV.  The sound came on before the picture did and all I heard was "...and then the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower."  The picture came on and I sat there, stunned, for at least 15 minutes.

...when you heard that Bin Laden was dead?  (5/1/11)

On Facebook.

What a difference 10 years makes!!