Friday, August 7, 2009

Dear Home Owners Associations of the World,

Before you make a complaint about the state of your neighbor's property, I invite you do to 2 things. First, check in the covenants to see if your complaint is because they are in violation of something expressly written in the covenants. Second, consider this question: Are you trying to force your standards onto the other person? As The Grinch said, "One man's toxic waste is another man's potpourri." Now, it should never get that bad. But for the love of all that is good and holy, MIND YOUR OWN FREAKING BUSINESS!!!!! Just because you pay $X a month, doesn't give you the right to judge others in the neighborhood. "We pay $X so you'll keep people from bringing the neighborhood down." No, actually, you pay $X so that we can water & mow the greenbelt that your dog craps in.

Also, if you are calling the management company of your HOA, please remember that they work under the direction of your Board of Directors. Unless the Board has given them free reign on certain things (like collecting past dues), then everything has to go through the Board. Don't automatically blame the management company. They are trying to do their jobs. And because of LOVELY people like you, I'm sure that many people who work in HOA Management are the ones hitting the bars at 5:00 pm. Or in the case of those who don't drink, eating a lot of ice cream at 3:30 pm (also known as "Ice Cream-Thirty".)

Finally, I ask you to remember that you would be a lot happier if you would just MIND YOUR OWN FREAKING BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The HOA Bookkeeper who now talks to herself and has an odd twitch

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