Monday, November 16, 2009

2 more gripes with the fashion industry

I have complained about stuff in previous blogs.  See below:

Okay, these complaints don't actually have anything to do with modesty.

1)  SHOES - Why...WHY?...are all the cute shoes high heeled?  Seriously, I walk down aisles and aisles of adorable shoes that have high heels. While I do need all the help I can get in the height department, I very rarely wear high heels.  I find them EXTREMELY uncomfortable.  All the flats I can find don't look as cute.  What's the deal?  Do I have to be in constant pain in order to wear cute shoes?  LAME!!!!!

2)   PANTS - Did pants suddenly get longer?  I'm confused. I used to be able to buy the average length pants and they would be just a little too long.  Lately, I've tried them on and they have been 3 or 4 inches to long!  My problem is this:  I'm 5 feet 3 inches tall.  Technically I should be wearing the short length.  However, most of the time "short" also means "petite"...something I am most decidedly NOT.  I can have my mom shorten stuff for me, but she doesn't always have time to get that done for me.  And she tells me I could do it and I say "Yeah, but I'd like to be able to wear the pants in public."  I'm a horrible seamstress.  Sewing machines and I do not get along.

So, I guess I'm stuck with not-so-cute shoes and pants with ragged  hems from dragging on the ground.  Fan-freaking-tastic!

1 comment:

Veronica and Ryan said...

Okay Angela. If you would wear the high heel shoes, you would not have to shorten your pants. If you buy nice high heels they actually are comfortable and also high heels are HOT. They make a girl look like a lady. Just wear them for goodness sake!