Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Rules of Birthday Parties

These are the rules of birthday parties, as set forth this evening by Emily (age almost 5):

  • If you are having a birthday party with your friends, you cannot invite your family...because they are not your friends.  Well, they are your friends, but your friends are your FRIENDS.
  • If you are having a birthday party, you have to invite boys, because they are fun.  They are not annoying.
  • You don't need to have 2 birthday parties.  One is fine, even if the second one is with family.
  • Even a shared birthday party with your aunt who's birthday is 2 days before yours would probably not be okay.
  • It's okay to invite your cousins to your birthday party, but only if they come on time.

I have no idea where she gets this stuff.  Silly girl!

Also, a funny, random thing to yell while pretending to sleep on a pretend camping trip in a tent made from chairs and a blanket:


Thank you, Rebekah.

Okay, in the interest of equal opportunity niece/nephew story time, George only has 4 teeth...and he grinds them.  Silly boy!!!!

Fun times with the kiddos tonight!!!!

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