Monday, September 13, 2010

Reservoir Road Fire

There is a forest fire burning about 10 miles from my house.  I'm in no danger from the fire itself, but the smoke is causing my allergies and sinuses to go BEZONKERS!!!!

Here's a picture I took from my car yesterday at about 3:30 PM, at the intersection of Taft and 57th St.:

This afternoon, I couldn't really see any billowing smoke like this, but last night when I was driving home late I could see the glow from the flames.  That was kind of spooky!  Hopefully they will get the fire under control quickly and no more structures will be lost!  And then I can go outside and take my first deep breath since Labor Day.  (That's the day the Fourmile Canyon Fire started near Boulder, about 40 miles away!) 

I am so ready for the foothills to not be on fire.

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