Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Count Your Blessings

I was surprised to learn that I'm living in an "terrible situation". I was surprised to learn that it needs to be "fixed." There needs to be "change." Well, I'm sorry...I don't know anything about this "change", but I can count my blessings right now. And here they are, in no particular order:

  • I have a warm house to live in with a family who loves me.
  • I have food to eat.
  • I have a car that runs.
  • I have 2 jobs that pay my bills.
  • I have a wonderfully fun and entertaining family.
  • I have wonderfully fun and entertaining friends.
  • I am called Aunt Angela by 2 of the most adorable little girls in the world!
  • I am an singer/actor who has been working consistently this entire year so far. (Not always getting paid, but money is the icing on the cake when I'm performing.)
  • I get to use the college degree that I paid big money for. (It's the most expensive thing I own.)
  • I am most of the time fairly healthy. (Freaking allergies of doom....not a blessing.)
  • I have the Freedom of Speech that allows me to even be writing this blog right now.
  • I have the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the knowledge that His Atonement is there for me.
  • I have the opportunity to attend the temple whenever I want and feel the Spirit there, and feel of the blessings in my life.
The world may be going to hell in a hand basket, but I'm feeling pretty good about my life and my blessings. Sure, there are some financial things that weigh a little more heavily on my mind than I would like. But at the moment, I'm a little more worried about memorizing my lines and my song for the show I'm in. So, instead of griping about all the crap going on, COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!!!!! I'm not usually a glass half empty girl, or even a glass half full girl. (I'm a "what's in the glass?" girl. Yay for cynics!) But for right now, I'm feeling pretty blessed, thank you very much.


Jamie said...

A bit fat AMEN SISTER!

Princess Jami said...

"What's *in* the glass?!" lol
We are one of the best nations in the world. We are soooo very blessed. The US doesn't need a major overhaul...just some tweaks, here and there, without kicking God to the curb and elevating Man up to God's level.