Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day!

If you ever want to be reminded of why you should be proud to be an American, go to a Veteran's Day Parade. I went to Loveland's today, because my grandpa (a WWII Vet) was riding in it.

As I watched all of the veterans go by, I got a little teary. They risked their lives so that I can enjoy the freedoms that I have...and often take for granted. They were proud to serve this great country...so I need to be proud to be an American. I love this country, and even though I get really disappointed in my fellow citizens sometimes, I need to remember what my grandpa and countless others did and do to preserve my freedom!

So, a big THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! to all Veterans and those currently serving in the military. You are all AMAZING!!!!!!!!

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