Monday, November 23, 2009

Mashed Potatoes: A Tradition Worth Fighting For

A conversation that took place at my house last night:

Mom:  Do you know what you want to bring for Thanksgiving?
Me:  I haven't really thought about it yet.
Mom:  Well, it's this week.
Me:  I know.  It's usually better if you just give me an assignment.
Mom:  We're just telling everyone to bring whatever they want.
Me:  Oh, so we're going to get a lot of the same things then?
Mom:  Maybe.
Me:  Just tell me what everyone else is bringing and I'll pick something else.
Mom:  No one has said what they're bringing yet.
Me:  Well, I'd say mashed potatoes, but I'm hoping Randy will make those because his are amazing.
Mom:  We aren't having mashed potatoes this year.
Me:  WHAT?!
Mom:  We're having a bean soup instead of mashed potatoes.
Me:  WHAT?!?!  Mom, we can't have Thanksgiving without mashed potatoes.  It's a tradition!!!
Mom:  Someone told me today that they can't get their family to break with tradition.
Me:  Mom, traditions are traditions for a reason!  That's why we call them TRADITIONS!!
Mom:  Traditions got the Lamanites in a lot of trouble.
Me:  True, but I doubt it was over mashed potatoes.
Mom:  How do you know?
Me:  I don't think that was it.  Mom, we have to have mashed potatoes.  I am bringing mashed potatoes.  Seriously, if we don't have mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner, then I'm not coming.
Mom:  So you're bringing mashed potatoes.
Me:  Yes.  Mom, without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky a fiddler on the roof!!

And THAT is why you should hang out at my house more.  The floor show is hilarious!  And the mashed potatoes are worth fighting for!


katina said...

I love it.

Do you think your mom really just wanted you to volunteer to bring the mashed potatoes and this was her way of doing it? Or would you really have had bean soup instead of mashed potatoes? That would be very sad indeed.

Happy lots of mashed potatoes for me!! (with a little gravy if you don't mind!) :0)

Unknown said...

I was totally laughing for that one! Great narration! I bet she did want you to bring the mashed potatoes like Katina said.