Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Broadway Dream List of the Moment

Every now and then I sit and ponder the following "if"...

If I was going to NYC this week, what shows would I see?  The list is often huge...the total price of tickets being more expensive than my flight & hotel.   Here is the list of this moment:

  • Anything Goes! (Hello!  Sutton Foster as Reno Sweeney?  YES, PLEASE!)
  • How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (I am intrigued by "Daniel Radcliffe in a Musical")
  • Sister Act (I adore Victoria Clark and she's playing the Mother Superior.)
  • War Horse (The concept of this show fascinates me!)

And of course, my "safeties":
  • Mary Poppins (I want to see how much cooler the Broadway set is versus the touring set.)
  • Wicked (I will see that show whenever and wherever I can.  Just because it ROCKS!)
  • The Lion King (There's a chance I won't get to see it when it's in Denver, even though I already have a ticket.  So I'd totally see it on Broadway if I could.  It's Theatrical Perfection, people!!)

I'm a nerd.  What can I say

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