Monday, August 15, 2011

A complaint about the complainers who complain.

I don't have a subscription our local newspaper.  I can't afford it, and I can read the highlights online.  But one thing they DON'T put online is the "R-H Line".  It's a phone number people can call and they print what you say.  It's like writing a letter to the editor, but you can call it in...and you don't have to give your name.  I have been known to call this line, and occasionally I've gotten in print.  (I have the number that a bad thing?)

Well, today I was at my parents' house and I was reading today's newspaper.  I was shocked to see some people complaining about this past weekend's Sculpture Show.  Okay...shocked isn't the right word.  Mildly surprised.  Slightly annoyed.  I don't know.

Once a year, the 2nd weekend in August, they have these big sculpture shows in our sculpture park and at the high school.  And one day of that, there is a craft fair in the other park that's right there.  It's actually pretty fun to wander around and look at all of the art.   But traffic in that area is beyond crazy. 

Well, that's what these callers were complaining about.  The one guy says they've lived near there for 10 years and why can't they move the show somewhere else?  People put trash in his lawn and in his car.  (Really, people?  That's what dumpsters are for.)  And he can't park in front of his own house.  The other guy went as far as to call it a stupid art show (I'm surprised they printed that!) and why couldn't they do something about the traffic.

Seriously?  People will ALWAYS find something to complain about.  I have lived in Loveland for my entire life and so it's no secret to me that Sculpture Show weekend is beyond crazy.  I lived within a mile of the craziness.  But you know what?  I don't complain to the city telling them to cancel the darn thing.  What do I do?  I just don't drive that way.  Our church building is very close to that area, and we would always take an alternate route.  Now, I understand that some people can't avoid the traffic, because they live closer than I did.  But you know what?  The show is the same weekend every year.  GO ON VACATION THAT WEEKEND!!!  Don't call the newspaper and complain because YOU are inconvenienced.  This show is a big deal for the artists...and the city gets a lot of revenue from it.

Basically, get over yourself and be a part of your community.  Not a thorn in your community.

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