Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Something new...

What?  Angela is trying a new food?!  WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO!!!!  I am the first to admit that I am notoriously a picky eater.  So sue me.  But I've wanted to try Greek Yogurt for awhile.  If you know my yogurt eating habits, you're probably in shock right now.  I will only eat Yoplait Harvest Peach.  Seriously.  But I found peach flavored Greek yogurt, so I'm going to try it.  If I don't like it...well, then I have 2 cartons of strawberry flavored Greek yogurt at home.  We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.  

So here we go.  I have Chobani brand Greek yogurt.  Let's open it up and have a taste, shall we?

  • Smells like how I remember yogurt smelling when I was a kid.  And I wouldn't eat it.  Yoplait doesn't smell like that, which is one of the reasons why I prefer it.
  • It looks like it's one step away from being cottage cheese.  What is the expiration date on this stuff?  May 5th.  Hmmmm...
  • It's thick.  It tastes like yogurt.  Needs more peaches.
  • I do believe I've pulled a face with each bite.  Not sure I like this stuff...but I don't dislike it.
  • It's different.
  • I think I'll be sticking with the Yoplait.  I'll eat the strawberry stuff at home (which happens to be Yoplait brand...I had a coupon.)  Nothing against Greek yogurt, but it wasn't my favorite.


MJ said...

You need to add honey, or even better, maple syrup. Seriously awesome.

And honestly, it's a great substitute for sour cream--no fat and no calories and all the awesome creaminess that you need the sour cream for!

I cook with it more than eating it straight.

MJ said...

Uh, PLAIN Chobani.

Susan said...

I'm with you. Greek yogurt is fine but it's not my favorite.