Monday, November 22, 2010

Beware of Charging George

Last night, Craig and I sang a duet in our voice studio's recital.  We were about halfway through the song when I looked up and saw George heading up the aisle towards us.  He was being chased by Shauna.  She grabbed him, he started crying, and she hauled him out of the room.  Craig and I both managed to keep singing while we were laughing.  There is nothing cuter than an almost 2 year old on a mission to get to his Daddy!

The other side of the story was that George figured out that his Daddy was singing and crawled under Shauna's legs before anyone realized what he was doing.  Shauna had been holding Rebekah, and she had to literally throw her at Neal & Amanda in order to go after George.  Poor Becky!

I only wish Robin could have gotten all of THAT on video.

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