Thursday, June 2, 2011

Too Much TV for You!!

I have been watching too many crime/suspense/action shows on TV.  You know...Bones, Criminal Minds, Law and Order, Chuck, MI-5 (it's a show in the UK, known as Spooks over there.)  Not to mention the shows that are no longer on the air:  LOST & Alias, to name a few.  How did I come the determination  that I'm on suspense show overload?  Well, I happened to catch a few minutes of Mitt Romney's speech today, announcing his candidacy for President of the US.  As he was speaking, an ambulance appeared in the background, driving slowly.  Want to know what my first thought was when I saw it?  "THAT AMBULANCE IS GOING TO EXPLODE!!!!"  Yeah, it didn't explode.  But I thought it was going to.  I need to lay off the action shows for awhile.  Oy.

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