Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Analogy of the Lookie-Loos

This morning as I was driving to Denver, I got caught in some slow traffic. When I finally got to the source of the slowness, I saw that there had been an accident...on the opposite side of the Interstate. This got me thinking. What is it that is so fascinating about the car accidents that BOTH directions of traffic have to slow down? What are we thinking? Here's a list of potential thoughts:

-What happened?
-Is someone I know involved?
-Is anyone hurt?
-Wow, what in the world were they doing to have THAT happen?
-Glad it's not me!

Then we drive off and go on with our day. I found an interesting comparison to having trials in life. When someone has a trial in their life, there ends up being some Lookie-Loos. People who are unwittingly passing judgment on the situation. They're thinking "What happened? What were they thinking? Why did they get themselves in that situation? Wow, I'm really glad it's not me!" They are slowing down to check out the mess, just like Lookie-Loos slow down their cars to check out the accident. They have no intention of stopping to help, they just want to observe, pass a little judgment, and move on. What they don't realize is, they are slowing their own progress. When you're stuck in the bumper-to-bumper traffic, you inch forward until you're clear to pick up speed again. It's the same with watching someone else's trial and not helping. They are slowing their own progression. In traffic, Lookie-Loos don't have all the facts. They may be thinking "That guy must have been speeding", but they really don't know what happened. Same thing with trials. We don't know all the facts sometimes, so why even try to guess? It's not your business. If you're not going to help, then move it along. Nothing to see here. We should always try to help others, but don't just drive by slowing and judge. It's not helpful...or pleasant. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't be a Lookie-Loo in life. Either stop to help or move along.

The End.

PS. On the way home from Denver, I was caught in an even worse traffic jam. I saw the accident; I saw the guy. He was sitting in his car, halfway down an embankment, and his bumper was a little ways down the road. He had a look on his face that clearly said "I hate my life." Poor guy. Ah, but there I go...being a Lookie-Loo.


Ann Marie said...

I HATE it when traffic does that and people watch and don't drive! Greg calls them rubberneckers.:)

Great post Angela! You are right and I love analogy! Thank you for the reminder in helping one another, I think ALL of us can do that more often! Have a great Sunday! Love you!

The Picketts said...

GREAT analogy! Jason and I have been talking about this very subject lately - and we both agree that this is a great analogy. Thanks for sharing!

Veronica and Ryan said...

I'm going to use this in a talk someday. I will credit you though, don't worry! :)