Saturday, April 4, 2009

To Twitter or Not to Twitter...

...that is the question.

I just got rid of my Myspace page, and so now I'm only on Facebook. Well, and this blog, of course. Is Twitter worth it? Would anyone read my posts? Would it just be another random technological advance that gives people more ways to ignore me? Yeah, probably.

One of the reasons I'm interested is that I update my Facebook status all the time. I could do that on Twitter and leave a Facebook status up for more than a few hours. Wow, that's a novel concept!

I don't know...this is another one of those things where I'm extremely indecisive. Sounds cool, but is it just another way for me to waste time? Is there something more important I could be doing? Yes, there is. But the idea is still intriguing. Hmmm.................

1 comment:

Ixchelle said...

I twitter and so do most of my in-laws. :) you should invite me to follow you. ixallen