Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Balancing Act

Yesterday evening, the light in the hallway outside my bedroom burned out.  We have pretty high ceilings, especially in that part of the house.  I brought over a kitchen chair to stand on, but the light fixture was still out of my reach by about 2 or 3 feet.  So what did I do?  I climbed up on the bookcase.  It's a sturdy bookcase, so I figured I would be okay.  (I wouldn't even THINK of standing on the bookshelves I have in my room.  IKEA and Walmart specials, both of them.)  I managed to hold onto the taller bookcase and turn around enough to change the light bulb.  Then I very slowly lowered myself back down to the chair !   Voila!  Light bulb changed.  Go me!

When Melissa came home and I told her what I had done, she reminded me that we have a ladder in the laundry room that is tall enough for such jobs as changing light bulbs in that part of the house.  Whoops!  I had forgotten about that ladder.  Oh, well.  I got the job done and didn't fall down!  Huzzah!

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