Thursday, April 5, 2012

Oblivious Driving

The other day, I was driving to work.  Minding my own business.  Not really paying much attention to anything except driving.   It was snowing (a little) and I was concentrating on driving safely, even though it wasn't that slick.  I had just purchased new windshield wipers that morning, after a slightly scary drive home the night before when my old wipers weren't working the best and I couldn't see very well out of my windshield in the rain (and in the dark.  Yikes!)

Anyway, all of the sudden my phone rang.  It was my friend Mikeal.  He asked me if I was paying attention while I was driving.  I said yes.  Then he proceeded to tell me that he had just been driving next to me, waving and honking his horn.  I was very surprised, because I had no recollection of this AT ALL.  I was totally zoned out.  I actually thought he had mistaken another car for mine (since I just got a new car in December.)  But no...he described my car and the truck I was following quite accurately.  So I don't know whether I was just totally in my own world or what.  But I seriously don't remember hearing a car horn honking.  And that's weird, because I normally look around when I hear those to make sure they aren't honking at me!

So the next day, I took a different route to work and I was driving on I-25.  I set my cruise control and was very shocked at the number of cars that were whizzing past me!  Didn't these people go the speed limit?  Then I realized...I had set my cruise control for 65 mph.  The speed limit is 75 mph.  Duh!!  Another day of obliviousness behind the wheel.  When I told Mikeal about it later, he asked me if I have cruise control on my brain.  I said that I probably did.  What other explanation is there?  Oh wait...I know....

It's Tech Week!  I'm exhausted!!  I need more sleep.  Maybe I'll take a nap during rehearsal tonight.  It's not like I'm onstage a whole lot.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Jeff says I do the same thing. I just tell him I'm concentrating on the road and that's why I didn't see him behind me/beside me.