Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Parable of the Dandelion

My cousin came up with this today posted it on Facebook.  I am re-posting it for all of my readers.

The Parable of the Dandelion
by Melissa Meadows

When I was young I didn't understand what was wrong with Dandelions- they are pretty! Now that I am grown I understand their danger. It is so easy for them to take over, and once they have a foothold, it is very hard to get rid of them. I live in a scary neighborhood, and my neighbors don't seem to mind the dandelions and they are rampant all around my yard, and it is hard to keep them out. I have to take steps early to keep them from getting hold. Do you see where I'm going yet?

This world can also be a scary place, and sins are kind of like Dandelions. When we are young, they can seem pretty, what's the harm if it make you happy? But once they get a foothold, they are hard to get rid of and can quickly multiply, especially when they are all around us. It is important to take steps to get rid of them from our lives as soon as they appear, otherwise it takes a lot of work to get them out of our lives. It is a constant battle to keep our lives (yards) clear of them, but when we do, we have a much nicer place to live.