Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Update on "Ode to a Sandwich"

Dear Safeway Deli Roast Beef & Cheddar on White Bread Sandwich,

We had such a fleeting relationship. Today your bread was a little drier. That wouldn't be enough for me to bid you farewell, however. It was the parts near the crust what were dyed pink. I'm hoping that the roast beef was just a little wet when they put it on the bread, but I'm not entirely sure. So I pulled those pieces off. Alas, the real deal breaker was the dead fruit fly I found on the lettuce. I could probably use the protein, and I did just watch contestants on The Amazing Race eat bugs last Saturday...but they were deep fried.

So, sandwich...I probably won't be giving you a 3rd chance. Sorry, but it has to be this way.

And no, I'm not saying that I would eat bugs if they were deep fried. I would never intentionally eat bugs. EVER!!!



Ann Marie said...

That is awful! Gross! I think I would have to end that relationship rather quickly too! Well done!

Ixchelle said...

Did you complain to Safeway? That is gross and they need to be informed of their issues.