Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Do I have to?  I don't wanna.  You can't make me.  If I don't feel like making any New Year's Resolutions, then I don't have to.  Okay, fine:

I resolve to:
Eat more chocolate.
Watch more TV.

What?  Can't I set the bar low?  I believe in setting manageable goals.  I can manage those.  Seriously, WHAT?!  Alright, here's a real one:

I resolve to:
See more theatre!

Hey, don't laugh!  I'm serious here.  I don't get to see a lot of the shows I want to because
a) I'm usually busy with my own shows.
b) I can't afford it.
c) I don't have anyone to go with me sometimes and going alone makes me feel like a loser (although when I do go alone, I usually find someone I know!)

There you have it!  Setting the expectations low for 2010!  Then I'm not disappointed and I might end up pleasantly surprised!!

Happy New Year from your friendly neighborhood cynic!!

1 comment:

Veronica and Ryan said...

You can always invite me! As long as it is not a depressing show. I do not love those.