Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Top 3 "Broadway Showstoppers" Moments

The whole show is amazing, and it's fun from beginning to end.  But there are 3 moments during the show that I love.

The first is immediately after I sing "As We Stumble Along" from The Drowsy Chaperone.  The audience starts cheering before I'm done and I hold this great pose at the end and just listen to the applause.  It's exhilarating!!  I adore singing that song and to get that kind of response is incredibly fun!  I understand how divas are made now, but don't worry!  I won't become a diva.

The second is just before the Mary Poppins section starts.  I'm standing just off stage, on the next to the top step up to the platform.  The "overture" starts and the graphic comes up on the screen of Mary flying over London.  I look down and I'm wearing that same costume (more or less).  I just want to jump up and down and squeal "I'm Mary Poppins!" but that would be totally inappropriate...and I would probably fall down the stairs.

And the I want to share this one?  It happens in full view of the audience (if they happen to be looking at me) but it's kind of personal.  I have a little moment with one of my fellow cast members that I really look forward to every performance.  If you want to know what it is, just ask.  I just don't feel like blasting it out into cyberspace.  Sorry!

The show has been FANTASTIC so far!  We have 3 more shows to go.  We are having a BLAST!!!!!!!

"Broadway Showstoppers"
February 21, 26, 27
Rialto Theatre, Loveland

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