Monday, February 15, 2010

What should have happened/What actually happened

The following phone conversation is what I wish happened:

Me: Good afternoon, [Company Name]
Caller:  Hi, this is Customer Service calling about your copier.
Me:  Oh, my gosh, I am so glad you called right now!  The copier just blew up!  Paper and toner EVERYWHERE!  What the heck kind of crappy machine did you sell us?  Give me your name, because I'm calling the police!
Caller:  Uh.....*click*

The following phone conversation is what actually happened:

Me: Good afternoon, [Company Name]
Caller:  Hi, this is Customer Service calling about your copier.
Me: Um, we're not going to be interested, thank you. *click*

You see, I've been at this job long enough to know that the "customer service" thing is a scam.  They just want to sell you really expensive copier supplies.  They make you think that you are the service provider for your copier, but they really aren't.  I can usually get them to hang up by saying "What's the company name?" or "Who is this?" or "No, because I know you aren't who we got our copier from."  But one of these days...if I'm feeling a little extra devilish...I'm going to freak out on them.  When you've worked in an office as long as I have, you know that sometimes you have to create your own brand of entertainment.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I remember getting calls like that back when I worked in an office. Somethings never change.