Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oscar Nominations!!

I got 5 right!  Go me!

The Blind Side - Best Picture
Up - Best Animated Feature (Do I get bonus points since it was nominated for Best Picture as well?)
The Princess and the Frog - Best Animated Feature
Meryl Streep - Best Actress Julie & Julia
Sandra Bullock - Best Actress The Blind Side

What do I win?  I know...nothing.

Some other thoughts:

I'm still not sure that nominating 10 movies for Best Picture is the best idea they've ever had, but it meant that The Blind Side and Up were included, so I'm not going to complain.

Sad that Emily Blunt didn't get a nom for her AMAZING performance in The Young Victoria, but there was a lot of competition.

Yay for 2 songs from The Princess and the Frog getting noms!  Great movie!

Whoa, whoa, whoa...Transformers 2 got a nomination?!  FOR SOUND MIXING?!  Um...I don't think any action movie that I fell asleep in should get any nomination at all...especially not one for sound mixing.  (Yes, I'm probably the only person in the world who fell asleep during that movie.)

And once again, Pixar proves that they are the best storytellers around...another nomination for Best Screenplay!!!

Mmmmmm...I love the Oscars.  Not as much as I love the Tonys (for obvious reasons).

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