Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wanted: Personal Hair Stylist

So, last night I saw the movie Letters to Juliet.  (Highly recommend it, by the way.  Great movie!)  Anyway, I had a thought while watching it.  And this is a thought that I usually get when watching movies with certain actresses in them.  "Dang, I wish I had her hair!"  I really wish that I could have long, luxurious hair.  But I can' hair is so thick and uncooperative, that having that long of hair would be torture.  But still, I see people like Amanda Seyfried and think that it would be great if I could have hair like that.  Then the credits roll and I see the following:

Personal Hair Stylist for Ms. Seyfried - [Insert Name]

Well, duh!  Of course she had a personal hair stylist!  There's no way she could have done that herself and have gotten to the set on time!  So that's what I need.  A personal hair stylist.  Someone to do my hair for me every day.  It's only chin-length-ish right now, so it's not a big deal.  But if I decide to grow it out long again, I'm going to need someone to take care of it for me.  Any takers?

1 comment:

Susan said...

You definitely don't want me. My poor girls -- just don't look closely at their hair.