Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yellowstone and Volcanoes and Buffaloes, OH MY!!!!

In about a week and a half, Shauna and I are going to Yellowstone.  Actually, we're going to Cody, WY to see our good friend Katrina perform in the musical Quilters.  But Cody is like 30 minutes from Yellowstone and neither of us have ever been there.  So we're going. 

Well, this could be a coincidence, but you be the judge:

Last week I saw a thing on the news about some people who got attacked by a buffalo in Yellowstone.  This makes me not want to get out of the car if we see any buffalo.  Now tonight, I watched the movie 2012.  Yellowstone quite literally goes up in smoke in the movie when there's a MASSIVE volcanic eruption.  This makes me not want to get out of the car by any volcanoes. 

I know, I know...the volcano thing was movie magic.  But the buffalo thing was real!!  What are the odds that I would see these things just weeks before visiting Yellowstone!!??  I mean, seriously!  I'm already a cautious scaredy cat to begin with.  Now I'm going to have nightmares about outdriving volcanic missiles.  (I can't remember what they are really called.  It's been over 10 years since I took Geology in college!)  And don't even get me started on the nightmares about buffaloes!!!!

Sheesh...It's a wonder I ever leave my house.

1 comment:

Amanda Johnson said...


On that note, I'm still jealous.