Sunday, September 19, 2010

From the "Weird Dreams" File

I've been having some really bizarre dreams lately.  Here's my dream from the other night:

I was riding in an RV with Katherine Heigl and Snooki and we went to the beach.  Then The Situation showed up and we were talking about his chances on Dancing With the Stars.  I said that I don't watch the show for the celebrities, but only for the professionals.  (Which is true.)  At some point, Katherine Heigl became Carrie Underwood and we were talking about which style of marching band was better:  Drum Corps or B.O.A. (Bands of America).  And I was telling Katherine/Carrie where to go to get her oboe refurbished.  I was recommending my real-life band instrument repair friends.

Not really sure what that means.  Maybe it just means that I am strange.  Yes, I think that's it!

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