Saturday, January 14, 2012

No Band Wagon for Me!

I will not be watching the game tonight against the Patriots.  Why not?  Because I'll be at church.  Stake Conference > Broncos Game.  ESPECIALLY when we have a General Authority present.

That aside, there are several reasons why I have not jumped on the Tebow Train like everyone else.  The main reason being I don't care that much about football.  If the Broncos do well, I'm happy for them.  If they lose, no big deal to me.  This is nothing new.  I've felt like this for a very long time.  But all the hype surrounding Tebow?  I really don't care.  Sure, he's getting things done, but I really think we should wait to canonize him until he's played with the big boys for a few more years and proved himself over several seasons.

And Tebowing?  Ugh...that annoys me so much.  People are mocking something sacred.  I think it's great that Tim Tebow is vocal about his faith, but it's getting to the point where something I consider to be very sacred is becoming secularized.  If you're going to take a knee, say a prayer while you're down there.  A sincere one.  When you are simply "Tebowing", you are mocking God and mocking my beliefs.  I don't appreciate that.  At all.

You can agree with me or not.  I have a right to my opinion.  All I ask is that the next time you "Tebow", think about what you're actually making fun of.

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