Thursday, July 5, 2012

We are the dreamers of dreams...

I have been having some weird dreams lately.  I think it's because it's been so hot.  (Our swamp cooler was broken for a few days.  It got fixed yesterday, but I still had a weird dream last night.)  Check this out:

Sunday Night:  I dreamed that I was stalking Richard Armitage.

Monday Night:  I dreamed that I was teaching Hugh Jackman a voice lesson.

Tuesday Night:  I dreamed that I threatened Stephen Colbert with the Mormon Mafia.

There is no Mormon Mafia.  This is just a funny picture from my brother's wedding!

Last night:  I dreamed that Shemar Moore came to my house to do some maintenance or something, and I was convinced that he was going to kill me.

I shudder to think what I'll be dreaming about tonight!  I'm hoping for more Hugh Jackman.  That was a good dream.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I love how all your dreams have fairly good looking men running through them! I recently had a dream where I was married to Barry Manilow. (I think I'd prefer to have your nightmares rather than mine!)