Friday, December 26, 2008

How to do a Nativity Scene

This is how to do a nativity scene with 6 kids, ages 6 and under:

First you have to corral the kids and get them in costume.

Now try to introduce "Baby Jesus" into the scene:

Don't forget the angel! Give her a bottle so she'll stay happy. Oh, and be prepared to switch out "Baby Jesus" with a doll if he gets fussy!

Just add sheep!

The Angel declares good tidings of great joy.

Try to reintroduce "Baby Jesus" into the scene. This will lead to the following discussion about whether or not Baby Jesus had a binky:

Craig: I didn't know Baby Jesus had a binky!
Brian: There is the part in the song about "no crying he makes."
Angela: Well, it was because of the binky!

Miscellaneous chaos ensues

And the Angel chills on her perch, looking cute and angelic with her trusty bottle.

Last step: Hope the kids didn't go blind from all the camera flashes, and also hope that their parents got better pictures than you did. (Like one with all of them facing forward!!)


Susan said...

I hope someone was filming it because it's fun to watch it later. We did a nativity scene with Jennifer's family back when Annalise was about 2 years old. I still have tears in my eyes (from laughing so hard) when I watch it.

Ann Marie said...

That's hilarious!