Friday, December 12, 2008

Angela's Christmas Letter 2008

This year did NOT turn out the way I had planned…or even imagined! Funny how you think you know how a year is going to go, and then it totally throws you for a loop! And it’s all theatre…there’s really nothing else that happened all year long!

I started out the year in rehearsals for Savior of the World: His Birth and His Resurrection with the Loveland and Greeley Stakes. It was high stress (simply because there were SO MANY PEOPLE involved), but in the end, it was a wonderful spiritual experience for everyone. I’m so glad I was involved, and I would love to do the show again…albeit with a smaller cast!

I got the best phone call ever in mid-March. Now, I had been cast in Fiddler on the Roof at the Union Colony Dinner Theatre in June 2007, and it wasn’t opening until May of 2008. Well, one day I got a call from the new director. Now, I had heard rumors that there were going to be a few casting changes, but I had no idea what was coming. They offered me the part of Tzeitel! (For those not familiar with the show, Tzeitel is the oldest daughter, the one who gets married to Motel the Tailor.) Needless to say, I was shocked! I usually am in the chorus, with just a few lines or solos. That’s all! Tzeitel is a supporting principal! Well, obviously I accepted. And thus began my amazing journey. Fiddler was an amazing ride from start to finish. We had a wonderful cast and I loved every minute with them. The show was scheduled to run for 8 weekends, but we extended for 2 additional weekends. As we got closer to the end of the run, I had no idea what I’d be doing next. I fully expected to go through an extended period of mourning. Not so! Read on…

A couple of weeks before we closed Fiddler, I discovered that the Loveland Community Theatre would be doing The Miracle Worker in September. Now, I’m a musicals kind of girl. I have a short list of plays that I would like to do…and The Miracle Worker was on it! I couldn’t NOT audition. Well, I got cast as Kate Keller, Helen’s mother. Rehearsals started the week before Fiddler closed. No rest for the weary! I had a marvelous time with the show! It was quite the change for me, having done musicals all my life. I had to learn a ton of lines, which freaked me out! But I learned two very important lessons about having lots of lines. I ran through them every day, no matter what. And I also reviewed them in my head before I went onstage for each scene. The show was a beautiful. We didn’t have large audiences, but the ones who came really enjoyed it. I fully expected a break after that show closed…and again I was wrong.

One of my friends asked me one day which show I would drop everything for, and my answer was Little Women. Not a week later, I found out that Up in Lights Productions, a local group, was doing that very show in November! So, the weekend before Tech Week for The Miracle Worker, I auditioned! I was cast as Aunt March! I know, I know…I’m a little young to play that old of a character. But Up in Lights is more or less a youth-run organization. Even though I look young, I look and act older than the mostly teens and college kids that were cast in the show. While I’d still love to play Beth someday, I grabbed the role of Aunt March by her horns (and yes, she has horns. She’s EVIL!) and ran with her. I had a BLAST!!!! Character cameos are my forte, and she is the queen of those type of roles! The show itself is absolutely gorgeous! It’s one of my favorites. The audience loved it and we had some great houses. In mid October, I sang in the Loveland Opera Theatre Gala. We did a George Gershwin/Cole Porter show. I sang “Someone to Watch Over Me” and “Friendship”, as well as singing with the ensemble. Luckily, my rehearsal schedule for Little Women was light.

The week in between Little Women’s 2 weekends of shows, I auditioned for another show…another play. I figured, who needs a break? Well, I didn’t get cast…and so I finally get a break! I do need one! The first thing I did was cut my hair. I’ve had to have it long all year (long for me is anything past chin length), and now it’s short! I’m planning on auditioning for another show just after the first of the year, but until that time, I am enjoying my time off!

I really have no other news for the year besides theatre. I turned *cough*30*cough* in March, which was mildly traumatic. But it hasn’t been so bad, I guess. I still work 2 jobs, at Falcon Properties and for Loveland Opera Theatre. I also find plenty of time to spoil my adorable nieces! Emily is now a very spunky 3 ½ year old firecracker. She is becoming quite the musical theatre buff. She came to see Fiddler and loved it! (In preparation, she watched the movie several times. Robin finally had to take the DVD away, because it was all Emily wanted to watch. She memorized the show!) Rebekah turned 1 in October and is quite the little cutie-pie! It’s fun to watch her sparkling personality develop. Everything will go to upheaval in March, however, when Baby Brother joins the family. I’m very excited to have a nephew! Oh, and my brother Neal is on his mission right now, in Manchester, England. He went out at the end of April. He’s loving every minute of it!

So, that’s the news from Angela-World. General craziness abounds. There’s never a dull moment! I am very thankful for a wonderful family, great friends, and the blessings of heaven that have poured down on me this year! It’s been an awesome year! I hope 2009 can top it!!

1 comment:

Veronica and Ryan said...

I love how you write exactly like you talk. Then I can hear you say it just like you were here hanging out with me! I am so happy for all your success this year.