Monday, February 2, 2009

Chuck in 3D...or not.

Just so you know, I'm using my ANGRY EYES!!!

I went all over town today looking for 3D glasses so that I could watch Chuck in 3D tonight. There were none to be found. How many pairs of 3D glasses do people in Loveland need. Seriously! And if I find out that people got them to watch the stuff during the Super Bowl and then they DIDN'T watch Chuck tonight....ooooooh, I am going to be so upset!!!!

And lest you think that I waited until the last minute, when they've been advertising this for weeks...Shauna's been looking ever since they first started advertising. She couldn't find any either.

So, I watched Chuck tonight, without the 3D glasses. I did not get to see all the fun effects. I was left behind because people are greedy and snatched up all the glasses. I even tried to improvise. Shauna has some little sample books of stage light gels. We pulled out the ones we thought would work and I stuck them in my glasses. No such luck. I was left in the dark. Actually, I was left in the odd red/blue-ness. The episode was great (I was so excited to see Dom Monahan! I love him.) But alas, everything was in 2D. Lame.

If you got the glasses, and have now watched the episode, feel free to send me your glasses. I'd still really like to watch Chuck in 3D.

On the upside, I did get quite a bit of exercise today...walking all over so many stores! But still...that doesn't make up for the fact that I didn't get the full Chuck in 3D experience tonight. I say boo.

I Heart Chuck.


Holly said...

Don't worry about it. You didn't miss much. I had a headache after watching it, and there was only one effect that was even cool. I don't get the sudden interest in making everything 3D. It's not that great. Last saturday we were at target and they had TONS of glasses just laying around. Maybe people back there are more into this stuff than people here. Either that, or all of Loveland's supply was sent here. Seriously though, you didn't miss anything other than some mild brain damage. And it wasn't because of the show (which is awesome), it was strickly due to the 3D.

Holly said...

I'm really sorry about some of the mispelled and uncapitalized words in that comment (and probably this one)! It's getting late.

The Picketts said...

Did you ever find glasses? There was a shortage here too. We talked to the Pepsi guy who said he put out A box (ONE) at the beginning of the week and that's all he had to put out. LAME! Maybe I should somehow boycott....unless you found some - then you should mail them to ME :) (Since I recorded Chuck). ha ha ha!

Princess Jami said...

I still haven't seen that episode, yet, either...we had two pair of 3-D glasses from other movies/TV shows, and they didn't really work too well. It was like it just kind of made the red and blue elements pop out, they were multiple layers of blurry. Gah.