Friday, August 13, 2010

Ironic Twitter Feed Funnies

I've found there are some funny trends that happen on Twitter and Facebook.  Because I follow a lot of people, there sometimes tend to be the most interesting things that post right next to each other on the feeds.  Sometimes 4 people in a row will talk about the same thing!  Other times, like what is currently on my Twitter feed, you get stuff like this:

grantimahara:  Ever wonder what 5000 maggots look like? #fromset #Mythbusters
(posted 20 minutes ago)

reba:  Going to get a bite to eat.  Talk to you all soon.
(posted 19 minutes ago)

I'm pretty sure that looking at the picture of 5000 maggots would not make me want to go out immediately and eat lunch.  I guess Reba isn't following Grant, or she wouldn't be racing out for lunch, either.

Okay, so maybe you had to be there.  But it was funny to me!

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