Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Umm...say what?!

I am preparing to vote. I am educating myself. Right now, I'm printing off a sample ballot for my precinct. This is going to help me know just exactly what I need to be studying.

Well, I started to look down the list of presidential candidates, and I got quite the surprise! McCain, Obama...yeah, yeah..a bunch of other people....wait. WHAT?

I kid you not:

Charles Jay/Dan Sallis Jr.
Boston Tea

Yes, they are running for the Boston Tea Party.


then there's blah blah blah, a bunch more candidates, and then Ralph Nadar. I think he's going to run every time until he dies. Poor guy.

Ah, and here we are at US Senator. I can write someone in. I think I'll write in the following name: Joseph P. Emmons. That's my coworker. He wrote himself in already when he voted. I figure I can give him that crucial 2nd vote.

Okay, now I'm going to whip out my magnifying glass and try to read all this stuff for the amendments. I need to figure out how I'm voting and the print is really small. I might go blind trying to read this!!

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