Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dear Pat Bowlen,

I have a suggestion for the new head coach. Now, I understand that there is no reason why I should have any sway in the matter. I am, by my own frequent admission, a fair-weather fan at most. Not because I only follow the Broncos when they are winning, but because I don't care that much for football in general. But when the Broncos do well, I am happy for them.

That aside, I think you should look at Joe Glenn for head coach. I first became acquainted with Coach Glenn when I started college at the University of Northern Colorado in the late 1990s. I didn't know much about the football team at first, but I was in the Pride of the Rockies marching band. My first experience with Coach Glenn came during band camp. He came one day to visit, and I discovered that he was a huge fan of the band. This was shocking to me. I'd never known a football coach who loved the band. I'd always felt like they thought we were a necessary evil. Not Coach Glenn! He was our biggest fan! What a wonderful start to my college marching band career! The football players also liked us (another first for me!) and even formed a tunnel for us on the field every Homecoming (we usually formed a tunnel for them as part of pregame.) The relationship between the band and the football team was something special. They made us feel like an important and integral part of the team...not just the game. We didn't fully appreciate this until we traveled to an away game in a neighboring state. The coach of that football team cursed at their band when they took slightly too long at half time. Needless to say, we were shocked. We hadn't realized that our situation was not the norm! Upon our return to Greeley, several of us wrote a letter to the editor of the school paper. We publicly thanked Coach Glenn and the team for supporting us and being our friends.

Coach Glenn led the football team to 2 National Championships in a row, the 2nd of which I was able to attend. He is a great coach, as evidenced by his continued success after he left UNC. He is also a great man. I'll never forget the day that I sang the National Anthem at a playoff game. I had sung it twice before, I'd had the band for back-up. That day, I was singing by myself. I was a little intimidated, surrounded by the giant football players (I'm only 5'3".) Coach Glenn found me on the sidelines and was genuinely helpful to me, making sure I knew where I was going. He also promised to protect from getting trampled by the team. I'll never forget this small thing. Coach Joe Glenn is a wonderful human being, as well as a great coach, and I think the Broncos organization would benefit greatly from his coaching skills.

Thank you for your time, and best of luck in your selection process,

Angela Johnson


Ann Marie said...

Great letter Angela! I loved it! He sounds like a great pick for us! Go Broncos!

Veronica and Ryan said...

Coach Glen is the awesomest.