Monday, January 12, 2009

A Few Thoughts on the Golden Globes

It's no secret that I'm an awards show junkie. In the last week, I've watched the People's Choice Awards, the Critic's Choice Awards, and the Golden Globes. I saw very few movies last year, due to the insane theatre schedule I was maintaining But even if I'd seen none at all, I'd still watch the awards shows. They make me happy.

So, here are a couple of random thoughts (in no particular order) on last night's Golden Globes:

I wish someone in the cast of Doubt would have won something. That movie is freaking amazing.

YAY FOR JOHN ADAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that movie! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!

Tina Fey's acceptance speech was totally awesome! When she started calling out people's screen names...oh my gosh!

Can I just say that I love Rainn Wilson? "Hi, we're TV actors." LOL!!!!!!!!

I guess it doesn't matter how famous you get (and how famous your parents are), your mom will still tell you to stand up straight on international television. Poor Rumer...(but she was slouching just a bit.)

So...Angelina apparently doesn't mind losing to Kate Winslet, but she's pissed about losing to Anne Hathaway? What gives?! She needs to get over herself. Seriously. (I'm not a fan of case you couldn't tell.)

My thoughts are jumbled. I should have taken copious notes last night. But I'm waiting until the Oscars to blog as I'm watching. Then you can drool along with me over Hugh Jackman (or as we call him at my house [thanks to Neal], Huge Ackman.) Rowr.

The Oscar Nominations will announced on January 22nd. Be watching early next week for my 6th (or is it 7th?) annual predictions...based only on movies that I have seen. (Don't worry...I promise to finally see The Dark Knight before making my predictions. I would be remiss without including Heath Ledger.)

1 comment:

Julie said...

i applaud your Brangelina commentary- I just really don't like those two... Anyway, I found you through Ann Marie's blog and was surprised to find me on your blog list! Awesome! A follower I didn't even know I had! By the way- LOVE your blog. So funny....