Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

I used to get up early on Black Friday and stand in line for hours outside Mervyn's. They would give away really cute stuff to the first 700 people in the door. I wouldn't actually buy anything...I'd just go inside, walk around for a few minutes, and then leave. I'd hit a few other stores after that, but I wouldn't ever buy very much. It was just the thrill of getting up early and getting free stuff, you know? Well, I don't do that anymore....and here's why:

Nothing is so important that I have to give up my precious sleep to stand in the freezing cold to buy. Nobody ever gives out cool free stuff anymore. (As soon as Mervyn's wised up and started giving out $10 off coupons to the first 700 people, I said FORGET YOU!) It was back in college when I used to do this, and sleep was not something that was in short supply all the time back then. When I worked at the bank, I always had to work on Black Friday, so I couldn't go out shopping. Now, I have it off, but I still don't want to drag myself out of bed that early! No way!

I'll get my Christmas shopping done by Christmas. I don't have to cram it in today! I did look through all the ads last night to see if there was anything to entice me out. There were a few things that caught my eye, but nothing that I couldn't do without...or get later when there's not 10,000 people in the same store.

So basically what I'm saying is, I have lost the thrill of Black Friday. I'm sure there will be something, someday that will strike my fancy and I'll have to get up really early to go buy it, but until then....I'm thankful that I could sleep in this morning! Yay!


Jamie said...

You just wait till you have kids Angela. They are the only reason I got up at 4:30!

TheHQforHQ said...

I have never been a sucker to Black Friday. I think there's a reason they stuck the word "black" on it. :)