Tuesday, December 8, 2009

William Benjamin Linus Hinks

Ode to a cool actor...

Michael Emerson scared the CRAP out of me during his 4 episode arc as William Hinks on The Practice (late 2000, early 2001).  He was a creepy, CREEPY serial killer that stalked Lindsey.  We talked about him for YEARS afterwards.

Fast forward 5 years and this creepy guy turns up on Lost, playing Benjamin Linus.  I looked him up on www.imdb.com and almost peed my pants when I realized that IT WAS THE SAME GUY!!!!

That's when I realized.  Wow!  This guy is a really good actor!  He's amazing on Lost.  Love him!  And he won an Emmy for it!  (And he won an Emmy for William Hinks, too!)

Here's the kicker:  before he played creepy serial killers and tormented leaders on TV, he did theatre.  Specifically, Shakespeare COMEDIES!  HA!  That's awesome!

Some people pick their favorite actors based on look.  I pick my favorite actors based on acting abilities and range.  Michael Emerson is now one of my favorite actors!


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