Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Another Film Gig!!

I was a movie star again today.  Okay, not really, but I was involved in another film shoot.  This was a faux infomercial for a video series put out by a local Christian publishing company.  It was called "Really Reliable Rita".  I played a woman who had an over abundance of oranges (literally...there were like hundreds of oranges everywhere.)  An infomercial came on TV about getting rid of over abundances of orange, and I called.  Really Reliable Rita showed up at my door immediately.  She was a wacky inventor type.  She proceeded to show my "son" all these different methods of eradicating oranges.  It ended up with orange goop everywhere and a broken window.  It's really cute!!

I was only in the first scene and then the very last shot, so I sat around a lot.  Luckily for me, I always carry a book in my purse.  So I kept myself occupied. 

It was a lot of fun, and I got paid in oranges!  Just kidding...I did get paid actual money.  And I got a bag of oranges.

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