Monday, March 29, 2010

A Day in the Life of...

...a "working" actor.

No, not a working actor...a "working" actor.  That is an actor with a day job (or more than one day job.)  Today, I had an audition an hour after I got off work.  Here is what my day was like:

  • While getting ready for work this morning, I had to be careful in how I did my hair so that restyling later would not be a problem.  This is quite the task, believe me.  My hair is crazy.
  • Went to work at 8:00 am
  • Home for lunch at noon.  After eating a very quick lunch, I restyled my hair with my flat iron, put in my contacts, and put on make-up.  I sang through my audition song a couple of times quietly to start warming up my voice just a little.  Also, did a final fix on my resume' and printed it out on Shauna's printer.
  • Back to work at 1:00 pm
  • Found out about 4:30 pm that auditions were running ahead of schedule.  Freaked out a little.
  • Got off work a few minutes early (because I had to go to the bank to drop off a deposit).
  • Arrived home at exactly 5:00 pm
  • Changed my clothes, final fix on the hair, touched up the make-up, warmed up for real, practiced my audition piece once, filled up the water bottle.
  • Left the house at about 5:15 or 5:20 pm
  • Took the back way to the theatre in order to avoid the bad traffic
  • Arrived at the theatre at 5:30 pm
  • Rocked my audition, thanks!
  • Back in the car at 5:50 pm.
Had I deviated from my tasks at all today, I might have been late.  Crazy day, but totally worth it for a good audition.

Thus is the crazy life of a "working" actor.  And you know what?  We love it!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazing what careful planning can do for a person! It's good that they let you know that your audition was running early so you wouldn't miss it. Break a leg!